Receive this Action Verb Revision Kit FREE when you subscribe to our newsletter!

Power precise and dynamic descriptions by steering the young writers in your class away from "be" and "have" verbs that tell and toward action verbs that show with this digital, printable, and editable 350+ verb word bank for use as a writing, revising, and editing practice tool with Grades 4 and up.
Use the part of speech anchor charts and word banks included in this kit to help students transform static sentences like this one: The weather is terrible ... into vivid revisions like this one: Rain slaps the windows.
Designed to generate dynamic, show-don't-tell storytelling, this resource's eye-grabbing word clouds and quick-guide icons engage students visually, facilitating experimentation with familiar verbs, guiding searches to pinpoint compelling language, and encouraging an exploration of the power of precision. Preview the entire resource –– including printable and editable word banks, anchor charts, an action verb revision activity, and a companion Quizizz game –– here on TpT.