Writing Workshop Teaching Tools & Mentor Sentence Studies
Build descriptive writing skills and boost engagement with videos, Kahoot & Quizizz games, customizable slide shows, graphic organizers, anchor charts, word banks, prompts & sentence starters.
Whether your students are writing fiction, poetry, personal narratives, essays, or scripts, you'll find writing workshop hyperdocs & printables to introduce "big picture" narrative concepts like conflict mapping, character sketching, and world-building. Or get granular with resources for teaching approaches to writing show-don't-tell dialogue, figurative language & imagery with mentor sentences from the same popular middle-grade titles featured in our book club & novel study resources.
Shop on TpT or Browse Featured Resources below.

Book Club, Literature Circle, Novel & Film Study Resources
Promote critical thinking with editable discussion questions, gamify analysis and comprehension checks on Quizizz, and build vocabulary with class games on Kahoot. "STEM-ify" your novel study with side trips through scientific concepts that surface in featured works, or take your class on history "side trips" that contextualize works set in the past and explore how pivotal historical moments resonate today.